If you are local, please join me and Independent Benefit Services as we discuss what to do when someone complains:
Employers face a potential legal minefield when dealing with employees who report
allegations of discrimination, harassment or other workplace taboos. The laws in this area are
complex, and employer missteps in dealing with these issues frequently turn minor problems into
bottom-line impacting problems down the road.
Please join us on Thursday, September 18, 2014, as Merry Campbell, Co-Chair of
Shulman Rogers’ Employment Law Group and Suzanne Quintero, discuss these complex laws
and how to comply with them, including providing practical guidance for assessing and dealing
with these situations. This discussion will focus on:
o Preventative measures
o Proper complaint investigation techniques
o When to call your lawyer
o Knowing “when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em”
Please click the link for more details