Learn more in our latest Alert: https://bit.ly/3QnZA3B Meredith S. CampbellChair Employment and Labor GroupChair Corporate Investigations, Governance & Risk Management Email mcampbell@shulmanrogers.com T(301)255-0550
Merry Campbell
New D.C. law may classify marijuana use AT WORK as a disability accommodation
DC does it again, drafting another overly broad law that this time seems to suggest that if an employee asks to use marijuana at work the employer might – in some circumstances — be required to permit the use as a disability accommodation. Please see the link below if you can think of the 420… More
Maryland’s Highest Court Holds Some Parts of the Commute Might be Compensable Time
More details in our most recent Alert: website: https://bit.ly/3Q7uUUQ
DC’s Revised Ban on Non-Compete Clauses Now Focuses on Income Level
For more information, please see our most recent Alert: Website: https://bit.ly/3zzaJJV
DC Minimum Wage Increase
Please see the attached for more details on the DC minimum wage increase: https://bit.ly/3yigJEV
Minimum Wage Changes for Montgomery County, Maryland
Website: https://bit.ly/3AddHnT
The Workplace Impact of the End of Roe vs. Wade
Website: https://bit.ly/3OQgGqH Meredith S. CampbellChair Employment and Labor GroupChair Corporate Investigations, Governance & Risk Management Email mcampbell@shulmanrogers.com T(301)255-0550
Employment Law Alert – Reminder For Employers – Salaried Nonexempt Employees Are Entitled to Overtime Pay
Website: https://bit.ly/39BVULS
Maryland Requires Paid Family and Medical Leave– Starting in 2025
Please see our most recent Alert: https://bit.ly/3LmIWQe
EEOC Issues New Guidance on Caregiver Discrimination and COVID-19
Please see our latest Alert: https://bit.ly/3N8nRKv