NLRB Punishes Company For Firing Employee Who Called Boss a “Nasty Mother F*****”

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) gives employees – even at non-union places of work – the right to criticize or protest their employer’s labor policies or treatment of staff.  When the law was drafted Congress wanted to allow employees to strike and protest, so the protections extend to public criticism. In recent years, “public” also… More

DC Employers — Check Your Posters and Your Payroll!

DC is conducting inspections of DC businesses to ensure compliance with the new Wage Theft Preventon Act.  Inspections focus on posters, but may also include a review of payroll records. It does not appear that the investigators are assessessing penalities, but they are issuing penalty notices and creating follow-up lists. As a quick reminder, in… More

Website May Be Ordered To Accomodate Disabled Users

Website owners beware – a federal judge in Vermont recently ruled that a company selling its products exclusively through a website, with no physical store, may be a place of public accommodation under the ADA and if so it must accomodate visually impaired customers. In National Fed. of the Blind v. Scribd, Inc., No. 14-CV-162… More

We All Have to Deal with People – But If You Can’t, You Might Be Disabled

To find protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), an employee must have a disability or mental impairment that “substantially limits” one or more “major life activities.”  In the recent case of Jacobs v. N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts et al., 4th Circ., No. 13-2212, March 12, 2015, the Fourth Circuit (Maryland, Virginia,… More

Discrimination Laws Don’t Necessarily Care About Practical Concerns

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently issued a press release announcing its lawsuit against the international restaurant chain Ruby Tuesday, Inc.  According to the EEOC’s complaint, Ruby Tuesday discriminated against men by refusing to consider male applicants for temporary positions at a Park City, Utah resort location. Male employees applied for the positions and… More